
Political parties: The Turkish occupation targets all democratic powers

The parties under the roof of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria held an expanded meeting to discuss the latest political and service developments in the region in the city of Qamishlo, in the presence of the Vice Presidency of the Autonomous Administration, Badran Çyia Kurd, and the co-chair of the Executive Council in the Jazira region, Talaat Younis and Nazira Gewria.

The meeting was closed to the media, and after the meeting ended, the political parties made a joint statement denouncing the Turkish aggression against the legitimate defense zones and the Kurdistan Freedom Movement.

The participating parties are: “The National Coordination Body – Movement for Democratic Change, the Democratic Union Party, the Kurdistan Democratic Peace Party, the Kurdistan Liberal Union, the Kurdistan Communist Party, the Kurdistan Democratic Party – Syria, the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party, the Kurdish Left Party in Syria, the Democratic Left Party. The Kurdish National Assembly in Syria, the Kurdistan National Assembly, the Kurdistan Democratic Change Party, the Kurdistan Renewal Movement, the Kurdistan Workers’ Union, the Arab National Authority, the Modernity and Democracy Party for Syria, the Kurdistan Green Party, the Democratic Accord Party, the Reform Movement – Syria, the Kurdish Democratic Party in Syria ( Al-Parti), the Assyrian Democratic Party, the Kurdistan Fraternity Party, the Kurdish Democratic Roj Party in Syria, the Free Patriotic Union – Rojava, the Democratic Society Movement, the Star, the Democratic Conservative Party, the Democratic Struggle Party, the Syriac Union, the Future Kurdistan Movement, the Kurdistan Republican Party.

The statement was read by Adnan Ezzo, a member of the Conservative Party’s political bureau.

In it, he emphasized that the Turkish occupation, does not target a specific party or movement, but rather all democratic forces. It is targeting the gains and interests of the Kurdistan region of Iraq, as well as the components of the Syrian people in Rojava, northern and eastern Syria. “

The text of the statement read:

The Turkish regime’s hypocrisy about the rights of peoples in Turkey today is clearly evident to all international parties, and it is confirmed day after day that this regime is a descendant of the Ottoman Empire, which carried out massacres against the Armenian, Syriac, Arab and Kurdish peoples over the four hundred years of its rule of the region, Those massacres and genocides that are still being practiced by the Turkish state against the Kurdish people who are fighting for their legitimate rights on the land of their homeland.

Whereas, the aggression carried out by the Turkish state coincided with the memory of the massacre carried out by the Turkish Ottoman Empire against the Armenians and the Assyrians, in a clear indication of its continuing to exterminate the remaining Kurdish people, and by this it sends a message, that it is still a descendant of a state that exterminated former peoples, and that it continues to this approach, which should have been obsolete, but with the presence of the Turkish regime, such actions could end only with the end of Turkish fascism.

Turkey’s attack on the Kurdistan freedom movement in the border areas of the Kurdistan region and northern Kurdistan, as well as the Syriac, Assyrian and Kurdish safe villages, is a clear violation of international and humanitarian law, as it commits war crimes and genocide in an attempt to end our defenseless people. It does not target a specific party or movement, but it targets all the Kurdish, Arab, and Assyrian democratic forces calling for freedom, as well as the interests of the Kurdistan region of Iraq, and components of the Syrian people in Rojava, northern and eastern Syria, and it will not stop blatant interventions in neighboring countries unless the international community takes a tough stance on its violations of state sovereignty.

We, the undersigned political parties and forces denounce the Turkish attack on the Kurdistan Freedom Movement, and the international silence regarding the crimes of the Turkish state that uses in its war even internationally prohibited weapons.

Therefore, we demand an end to the brutal Turkish aggression, compliance with the language of reason, and a peaceful solution to the Kurdish issue in northern Kurdistan and Turkey.

We also call on the Iraqi state and the Kurdistan Regional Government to condemn this Turkish aggression on their lands and breach of their sovereignty, as it also aims to occupy Iraqi lands, as it occupied areas in northern Syria.

The Arab countries are also concerned with issuing a firm stand against Turkish aggression against a member state of the Arab League.

Since this aggression harms international peace and security, a strict resolution and stance must be made by the Security Council, the United Nations, and humanitarian institutions against this aggression, stopping it, and criminalizing the Turkish regime.

We also support and support the Kurdistan Freedom Movement in its defense of the causes of the peoples of the region.

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