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SDF Commander In Chief: AANES on right path

SDF Commander- In- Chief commented on the revocation of the decision 119 stipulating an increase in fuel prices in North Eastern Syria. Abdi said that revoking the decision at the will of people entails ''constructive interaction'' between people and AANES. In a tweet released today Abdi said: the constructive interaction between the Autonomous…

3 mercenaries killed in Manbij countryside

The Media Center of the Manbij Military Council stated that a group of Turkish mercenaries tried to infiltrate the points of the Manbij Military Council forces, in Jat village, northeast of Manbij city. The Manbij Military Council fighters responded to the infiltration attempt, which led to breaking out clashes that thwarted the attack and killed…

SDF: 2 ISIS mercenaries captured

Syrian Democratic Forces indicated that in the context of it's operation in rural Deir Ezzor 2 ISIS mercenaries were captured in addition to taking possession of a motor bike and 2 landmines that were to be exploded in Eid al-Fitr. Media Office of the SDF released today a statement to the public opinion on the anti- ISIS operation going on the…